Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ganesh - Pencil Art

Hi there!
I am not a professional, I used to do some scribble (which I named myself as pencil arts) when I feel bored or doesn't have company to spend time. My painting is like my friend which gives company and makes me engaged. I believe in the following quote by Hedy Lamarr and how true it is!

"A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires"

Now my interest towards the painting grown and I have started learning it. Thought of uploading some of my friends (my pencil arts) and I have started with my favorite god Ganesh. Though I have not finished this one I want to share it as it is. Later I will upload the completed one


Unknown said...

seems u ve drawn urself perfectly... :)

Good Attempt....


Govind said...

Hi Man,

Its a nice attempt to start with vigneshwar (Mutharkadavul). You have good talent, try to explore further.

Really well scrippled art

with love

Ramya said...

Nice Art...
